Creative Lighting

 In this exercise I demonstrated the use of 5 different Picture angles. Each of these 5 different angles highlight a different place on the models face. 

He I have a picture of the model using the Flat Frontal angle of lighting. This highlights the front portions of the models face. 

Here you can see the models face is lit primarily from the side. This is a 90 degree lighting angle and highlights primarily the side of the face. 

Here the light has been elevated above the models head. This angle is a butterfly lighting style. This acts like the sun and highlights the upper portions of the face. 

This is a very full source of lighting. This Rembrandt lighting is providing light from all angles providing a well balance volume of light on the skin. 

This style of lighting is a very interesting one. This is a strong primary light source shining from below the models face. This is called a “scary Face” angle and is supposed to be somewhat funny. 
