
Person On the Street

 This person on the street assignment was designed for the class to go out and interview people with a common question. IN my interviews I decided to ask people what team they believed would be the winner of the Super Bowl. There were many different teams picked but the clear favorite is the Philadelphia eagles. This was a topic that seemed to motivate people into giving a spirited response. Below is the link to view -

Me in 30 seconds

  Hi! This is video below is called me in 30 seconds. This video will give you a little background and description of me, Kaleb Brown as a student, athlete, and person. This video is the first production assignment of the year. Be sure to watch the video and learn more about me.  This next video below is a edited version of my original me in 30 seconds. 

Tv Commercial

  In this assignment I was tasked with creating a commercial for a business of my choosing. I choose to create a commercial for a car wash I frequently visit. Below you can view a 30 second commercial for Splash-N-Dash. Below you can find a link to the main Splash-N-Dash website. Also for any pricing or other questions view the link below.  -  Splash-N-Dash Script: Splash-N-Dash  Producer: Kaleb Brown December 1, 2022 TRT: :30 Video With rhythmic flares matching  Music tempo  Shows a series of quick shots with short videos intertwined showing movement a flow of customers  Slowed video showing inside of detailing facility.  Splash N Dash  When your in a hurry  Need your rims cleaned Need your tires cleaned  Need your windows cleaned  Need a full makeover  In just a dash  Drive over to Splash N Dash In need of a full detail  In need of some vacuuming  Need somewhere to throw away trash  Head over to Splash N Dash  Where we w

Action Sequence

  This action sequence video depicts the ending of a typical Tuesday class. You will see in this video it begins with my class mate finishing his work. After that the video follows our actor as he strolls out of the classroom, though the hallway, down the stairs and out to the parking lot. As he does this throughout the video numerous different angles capture the differing reflexes and bodily expressions as he relaxes upon a finished day. Below you can view the complete action Sequence. 

Creative Lighting

  In this exercise I demonstrated the use of 5 different Picture angles. Each of these 5 different angles highlight a different place on the models face.  He I have a picture of the model using the Flat Frontal angle of lighting. This highlights the front portions of the models face.  Here you can see the models face is lit primarily from the side. This is a 90 degree lighting angle and highlights primarily the side of the face.  Here the light has been elevated above the models head. This angle is a butterfly lighting style. This acts like the sun and highlights the upper portions of the face.  This is a very full source of lighting. This Rembrandt lighting is providing light from all angles providing a well balance volume of light on the skin.  This style of lighting is a very interesting one. This is a strong primary light source shining from below the models face. This is called a “scary Face” angle and is supposed to be somewhat funny. 

Three Point Lighting

This was a project show how the use of lighting from different angles are used to enhance photos.  This is a wide angle shot showing the lighting and camera setup positioned around my partner.  Here to the left are results of a picture taken with the natural lighting of the classroom.  This next picture is a close up photo of my partner. For this picture I introduced the use of a key light.  Key Light - The key light is the primary lighting source. Here in the photo I used the Key light as a primary lighting source but I also added a fill light opposite of the key light.  Fill Light - A supplementary light typically 50% strength the key light.  Finally this was the money shot. With enlisting the help of a key light, fill light, and back light I have the perfect picture.  Back Light - This is the lighting from behind the object that is being photographed. 

Light Reflection

  Light Reflectors are key instruments in improving the visuals of a video Production. Below you will see many pictures demonstrating the inconsistency and differences between using a light reflector and not.  Here you can see the image looks distorted and lacks focus. You can also see how My entire face looks dark and one side even has a shadow. In this next picture I had a class mate use the reflector to even the lighting. This made it able to get a clear and brighter picture of myself reporting.  Below you can observe a few pictures from a wide angle showing all necessary components of producing a quality piece of work. This picture was taken to show the relative positions of where the camera mic and reflector should be located to get the best shot.  This next photo is shot from behind me reporting while the the reflector is bouncing light for the camera to pick up.  This is a close up of the light Reflector doing its thing and providing illumination. Learning the steps to affective